And the virtual goes on . . .
- POSTED BY Clare Guss-West IN General
Attention & Focus strategies to enhance on line learning and teaching. Still teaching virtually? This is the perfect moment to shift learners attention on line to an external focus whilst dancing by using imagery or focusing in on sensory feedback and proprioceptive feedback. The stress and frustration of on line learning will be relieved and as a secondary benefit – technique progression sharpened despite the virtual environment. Learn more in this Human Kinetics post . . .
Thank you thank you thank you Clare for your wonderful presentations!
I work very close to all the areas you mention! Starting with the youth and then the children with special needs I now work mostly with seniors with special needs. I use a lot of my own ballet background from royal ballet school in London.
Super to hear that it has opened up finally and that we now have the science with us.
Hope to meet some time in the future. I work a lot with Ã…sa.
Thank you aging – super clear and very generous presented of you!
I like to have your book!
Kindest Regards Hugo