Saturday 29th May at 11am EST/5pm CET
Dance Educators: The 1st guest of attention and focus specialist Clare Guss-West MA, in the IADMS interdisciplinary webinar series “Discovering attention & focus strategies in practice” is Ellie Kusner, MSc, IADMS Dance Educators’ Committee Chair. Join us and learn more about using Attention & Focus in your Dance context. IADMS – International Association for Dance Medicine & Science. Registration
Join Clare Guss-West and Ellie Kusner on a metacognitive journey to explore the role of attention and focus in dance teaching. This relatively uncharted territory in dance provides rich tools for teachers to enhance the performance and learning of dancers. Ellie and Clare bring ‘internal’ and ‘external’ attentional focus approaches to the dance lab. Drawing on rich practitioner wisdom of the attentional approaches used in dance as well as somatics, experiential anatomy, and Eastern movement practices they will guide participants through experiences that aim to bring greater understanding to various cueing strategies. Experiment, discuss, debrief, reflect with peers and take away attentional focus tools and tips for direct implementation in your own dance context.
Read how we got on with over 100 educators on line exploring Attentional Focus in the IADMS Blog by Dr Emma Redding.