‘Attention and Focus in Dance’ a DanceWell PodCast hosted by Ellie Kusner
OnlineDance Well Pod Cast hosted by Ellie Kusner IADMS Chair of Dance Education
Enhancing Power, Precision and Artistry
Dance Well Pod Cast hosted by Ellie Kusner IADMS Chair of Dance Education
Seniorstars dancers are 65 yrs +. Come and visit an OPENDOORS session, our end of project sharing and see Attention & Focus strategies in practice for successful adapted dance. Senior dancers have explored for 13 weeks the choreography 'Leonce & Lena' of Felix Landerer at Konzert Theater Bern led by Clare Guss-West. Attentional Focus strategies are the key to enable both cognitive and creative function for seniors and are especially adapted for 'on line' interactive teaching. Watch the Seniorstars- Silverstars dance programme 2021 here